Does Dog Training Change a Dog’s Personality?

A common concern Does Dog Training Change a Dog's Personality? Discover why it can’t – and how Lee will help  you only enhance your relationship. Read on... ⤵️ Does Dog Training Change a Dog's Personality? by Lee Seibold One concern many dog owners have...

99% of Trainers Use These 10 Failing Techniques

Why choose Lee? 99% of Dog Trainers Use These 10 Failing Techniques And What Lee Does Instead Learn More 99% of Dog Trainers Use These 10 Failing Techniques—And What Lee Does Instead By Lee Seibold, Owner of Lee’s Dog Training When searching for a dog trainer, it’s...

6 Ways Lee’s Dog Training Could Save You Over $10,000

Why choose Lee? 6 Ways Lee's Dog Training Could Save You Over $10,000 and how other programs cost you more… Dog Training Inquiry Form 6 Ways Lee's Dog Training Could Save You Over $10,000 - and How Other Programs Cost You More By Lee Seibold, Owner of Lee’s Dog...

How It’s Made – Lee’s Logo

Discover the Story The Inspiration Behind the Logo Explore the heartfelt journey of how my beloved dogs, Remy and Meeko, inspired the creation of our logo, symbolizing the essence of Lee’s Dog Training. Learn More The Heart of Lee's Logo Lee’s logo is more...

Lee’s Dog Training Touted “Best of the Best”

Lee's Dog Training Touted "Best of the Best" How Lee has risen above his field as cream of the crop. Dog Training Inquiry Form Meet Your Expert Trainer Lee Seibold, owner of Lee’s Dog Training, has quickly risen to the cream of the crop when it comes to dog behavior...

How Lee’s Dog Training Started

Discover how Lee became one of the world's best dog trainers How Lee's Dog Training Started Overcoming Aggression and Behavioral Issues A Journey of Challenges and Triumphs I can remember it like it was yesterday. I was so excited to be getting a Dalmatian. One of the...